What were the roles of Moses and Aaron? What was meant by God telling Moses that he will be "as God to Pharaoh?
How would you explain Pharaoh's sorcerers ability to replicate the miracle of turning the staff into a serpent?
Describe the first plague. How did Pharaoh and his magicians react to this plague?
How extensive was the plague of the frogs? Did Pharaoh react in the same way to this plague?
What was the third plague? How did the magicians react to this plague and what caused their reaction?
What distinction does the Lord make between the livestock of Egypt and the livestock of Israel?
How far into the house of Pharaoh did the plague of boils reach?
What reasons does the Lord give for sending the plagues that He has sent so far? Did the Egyptians have a chance to avoid these plagues (specifically from the hail)?
What does Pharaoh admit to Moses and Aaron after the destruction of hail? Does this indicate anything about the free will that Pharaoh has?
What counsel does Pharaoh's servants give him before the plague of locusts? How does he respond?
What condition does Pharaoh give to Moses if he allows them to go worship? Does Moses accept the condition?
What are the similarities in Pharaoh's reaction to the plagues up to this point?