Where was Moses' family during this time? Do we have any information about why they were not with Moses?
Jethro is a priest of where? How does He feel about the God of the Israelites?
How were the people being ruled at this time? Did Jethro think this was a good system? What did he suggest be done instead?
What can we learn about Moses' feelings for his father in law?
What were the expectations that the Lord had for the Israelites at the beginning of 19? How did the people feel about these expectations?
What were the people to do before the Lord appeared to them in a cloud?
What are the two main subjects covered by the Ten Commandments?
What are some passages that we can point to in order to show that the Ten Commandments are not in effect today?
How did the presence of the Lord affect the people in chapters 19 and 20? Did it continue to have this affect on them in their journeys?
What commandment does the Lord reiterate to the people at the end of chapter 20?
How were the people to worship the Lord at this point?