Exodus (Adults)
Chapters 28-31
Lesson written by Daniel Wade
The word "consecrate" is used in 28:3 and
throughout these chapters. What does this word mean and in what other ways is
it used in the scriptures?
What specific purposes did items on the priestly garments
serve? Are there parallels between the priests and their garments and the
priesthood that Christians live under?
What do we know about the Urim and Thummin mentioned in
What animals were offered in chapter 29 as part of the
consecration of Aaron's family? What similarities/differences were there in the
preparation of each of these animals?
What sacrifice was to be continually offered? Where was it
to be offered and why was this place important?
What was the ultimate reason for the priestly garments, the
consecration, and the tabernacle?
How was Aaron to make atonement for the people? How were the
people to make atonement for themselves?
How were Bezalel and Oholiab blessed by the Lord?
Why was the observance of the Sabbath so important? What
were the consequences of failing to observe it?
Where is Moses during this time? What does the Lord give him
after He finishes speaking to him?