1. By what other name is Mount Horeb known? What other events occurred on this mountain?
2. Are there any differences between God’s first appearance to Moses compared to his interactions with the patriarchs in Genesis?
3. What excuses does Moses give for why he is not capable to perform God’s mission and how does God respond to each?
4. What are some of the specific details about what Moses was to say/do etc?
5. What ultimately caused the "anger of the Lord to burn against Moses?"
6. What do you think is meant by the Lord "hardening Pharaoh's heart" in 4:21? Did Pharaoh have a choice in what he was to do with the Israelites?
7. What is the first request made of Pharaoh by Moses and Aaron in chapter 5? What is Pharaoh's response? How did the Israelites respond to Moses and Aaron?
8. What is the Hebrew meaning of "Lord" in the beginning of chapter 6? How is this word different than other words translated "Lord?"
9. What change do we see in the Israelites from their reaction to bondage in chapter 1?
10. Is Moses' faith where it needs to be at the end of these chapters? Why or why not?