Chapter 18
1. What doings and ordinances does God forbid? What does He offer as an acceptable alternative?
2. What relatives are expressly forbidden to have intimate relationships in this chapter?
3. According to this chapter, to have a relationship with a neighbor’s wife does what?
4. How does the commandment regarding Molech fit in this passage?
5. What sins are condemned in verses 22-23?
6. What did God say the sins listed in this chapter had done to the Caananites?
7. What did He say would be the punishment for committing any of these sins?
Chapter 19
1. What reason does God give them for His expectation that they should be holy?
2. What commandments does He give to that effect in verses 3-8?
3. What was the purpose of not fully gleaning their fields and vineyards?
4. What does God prohibit in verses 11-13?
5. Why must they refrain from cursing the deaf or causing the blind to stumble?
6. How were they to judge their neighbors? Why should they rebuke their neighbors? What was their general attitude towards their neighbor to be?
7. What were God’s commandments regarding mixing animal breeds, seeds in a field, or cloth in garments?
8. Describe the commandments regarding soothsaying and mediums.
9. How were they to treat their elders? The strangers among them? Why?
10. What did God tell them about their measurements and weights?