Chapter 23
1. On what day was the Feast of Unleavened Bread to begin? How long was it to last? What Sabbaths were associated with it?
2. Describe the two offerings related to the Feast of Firstfruits in verses 9-22. What prohibition accompanied these offerings?
3. When was the Feast of Trumpets to be observed?
4. When was the Day of Atonement to be observed? Where else do we find instructions regarding this day?
5. Describe the Feast of Tabernacles. Where else do we read about the nation of Israel keeping this feast?
Chapter 24
1. Describe the ordinances regarding the lamps of the tabernacle.
2. How often must they bake the cakes for the tabernacle? What must they put on them? Who could eat them? Where?
3. What was the sin of the son of Shelomith?
4. What did the Lord tell them to do with him?
5. What was the punishment for killing a man?
6. What was the punishment for killing an animal?
7. What was the punishment for disfiguring a neighbor?
8. How did the Law apply to strangers?